Useful Links
Learning aids and useful contacts

Summer 2020 Rachmaninov All-Night Vigil
Video and Music Score Links for Rehearsals
Here is the link to the live Zoom transmission of our one-hour rehearsals by Will Vann on Mondays at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting ID: 722 470 5733
Password: 1873
Please note that by simply clicking on this link, you will be able to watch and listen to Will's live transmission and fully participate in the rehearsal, which lasts one hour. It will be on Zoom and you do not need to download any software or set up any account.
Alternatively, if for some reason the link doesn't work for you, please go to https://zoom.us and click on the blue `Join a Meeting' button at the top of the website. That will take you onto a screen where you enter the Meeting ID number 722 470 5733 and click `Join.' You will then be asked for the meeting password, which is 1873.
Additionally there will be a scrolling text bar available on the right-hand side of the screen, which will be visible to Will and anyone else. To open that bar, click on the `Chat' option at the bottom of your screen. You will be able to add comments on the bottom right of the screen if you want to. The default will be that only Will can see what you write, but if you want everyone including Will to see it, then you need to click on the blue button and select the `Everyone' option.
We very much look forward to getting together at 7:30 p.m. on Monday evening for our online rehearsal, and hope as many of you as possible can take part. The Zoom room will be active from 7:15 p.m., so you can access it any time after that if you would like to have some leeway to make sure you are fully set up before the start or simply chat with others. If anyone does have difficulty accessing the rehearsal, please message choir@dulwichchoral.com and we will ensure we are monitoring that closely during the rehearsal and will reply quickly. All feedback welcome!
Below are links to the backing track Will has made for playing while you record your contribution to the choir's video production of Bogoroditse Devo, and also a link to the web address you need to upload your video.
*** Please note: when you click on the link to access the backing track, it takes you to a `Collect' page on WeTransfer. Ignore the purple banner message at the top asking you to download the app, you don't need to do that. Just click on the blue `download all' button at the foot of the page. The video is 3 minutes long, and will take a couple of minutes to download. Once it has, it should be visible as a rectangular button near the bottom of your screen, which you then need to click on to open. Good luck! ***
Here is the link to Will Vann's backing track
Here is the link for uploading your recording
Below are podcast links to the Rachmaninov series that Will has produced.
Here is the link to the first video in Will Vann's 10-part series
Here is the link to the second video
Here is the link to the third video
Here is the link to the fourth video
Here is the link to the fifth video
Here is the link to the sixth video
Here is the link to the seventh video
Here is the link to the eighth video
Here is the link to the ninth video
Here is the link to the tenth video
Here is the link to the pronunciation guides on WeTransfer (available for one week from June 21 to download)
If you would like to enlarge the screen, you can click on the small rectangle icon on the bottom right of the screen. If you would like to make it full screen, you can click on the broken square icon immediate to its right.
Here also are links to music scores for the Rachmaninov All-Night Vigil, or Vespers. The first, Priiditye poklonimsya, links directly into the music score. Other links for some reason won't go directly through to the scores, but do link to the relevant page for each section. You then need to click on the small PDF icon in the first line of the `Music Files' section at the top of each page to access the score (next to the red CPDL number, which we have also given below).
1) Priiditye poklonimsya (Come, let us worship) (CPDL #38236)
2) Blagoslavi Ducha (Bless the Lord, my soul) (CPDL #38540)
3) Blazhen Muzh (Blessed is the man) (CPDL #38579)
4) Svetye tikhii (Gentle light) (CPDL #38256)
5) Nuinye Otpushchayeshi (Now let Your servant depart in peace) (CPDL #57159)
6) Bogoroditse Devo (Rejoice, O Virgin) (CPDL #43416)
7) Shestopsalmie (The six psalms) (CPDL #38241)
8) Khvalitya imya Gospodnye (Praise the name of the Lord) (CPDL #37871)
9) Blagosloven yeci, Gospodi (Blessed are You, Lord) (CPDL #37916)
10) Voskresenie Khristovo videvshe (Having beheld the resurrection of Christ) (CPDL #37926)
11) Velichit Dusha Moya Gospoda (My soul exalts the Lord) (CPDL # 38021)
12) Slavoslovie velikoe (The great doxology) (CPDL #37992)
13) Dnes Spasenie (Troparion: Today salvation is in the world) (CPDL #38026)
14) Voskres iz groba (Troparion: You did rise from the tomb) (CPDL #38031)
15) Vzbrannoi voyevode (Troparion: You are the Victor) (CPDL #38027)